Tummy Time for Child Development Episode 11 Special Needs Topics

This is Episode 11 of my podcast, but the first Episode under the new name Milestones. The previous name of this podcast was The Special Needs Podcast. The same type of material will be presented here for people interested in Child Development, topics surrounding Children with Special Needs, Sensory Processing Issues, Feeding Skills, and any other range of topics related to Child Development and Developmental Milestones.

In this Episode I discuss “tummy time” and why it is important for all babies to have tummy time regularly!

Find me on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/mymidwesttherapy/
Safe to Sleep Website: https://www.nichd.nih.gov
or http://www.healthychildcare.org
Positional Plagiocephaly (Flattened Head): http://kidshealth.org

Special Needs
Sensory Processing
Child Development