The First Years Stacking (Nesting) Cups for Toddlers


These cups are great for toddler development.  Problem solving skills for figuring out how to put them together, color recognition and understanding, counting, etc.

Typical Development 12-24 month old Toddler Episode 42

On this episode, I discuss the typical development of toddlers between the ages of 12-24 months (or 1-2 years).  All areas of development are included such as: gross motor, fine motor, language, cognition, social/emotional, and self help.

Speaking Presentation October 21st in Overland Park, KS

Learning Resources
Shop Educational Products


Autism Parenting Magazine

Melissa & Doug Classic ABC Wooden Block Cart Educational Toy With 30 Solid Wood Blocks

The First Years Stacking Up Cups

Fisher-Price Little People Farm Animal Friends

Research Article:
Toddler Persistence Study
Bober, Sally J., et al. “Toddlers’ Persistence in the Emerging Occupations of Functional Play and Self-Feeding.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy, American Occupational Therapy Association, 1 July 2001, Accessed 29 Sept. 2017.

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