Sensory Issues Getting Worse Episode 57

On this episode I discuss why some kids my seem to be having some increased sensory processing issues right now. . .

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Intro and Ending Music by: Nathan Kirch. “Dredgpop2”

Walking and Talking Toddlers – Episode 54

On this episode, I talk about how some infants and toddlers stop learning new sounds and words while they are learning to crawl and walk – among other gross motor skills. I discuss the relationship between the vestibular sensory system, gross motor skills, and language development.

Research Article:
How Do You Learn to Walk? Thousands of Steps and Dozens of Falls per Day. Karen E. Adolph, Whitney G. Cole, Meghana Komati, Jessie S. Garciaguirre, Daryaneh Badaly, Jesse M. Lingeman, Gladys L. Y. Chan, Rachel B. Sotsky. Psychological Science, Vol 23, Issue 11, pp. 1387 – 1394. First Published October 19, 2012.
How Do You Learn to Walk

Play With Your Food: How to Get Your Toddler to Eat

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Proprioceptive and Vestibular Sensory Processing Activities for Summer Time Episode 18

On this episode I discuss how our usual summer time activities can be beneficial for providing Proprioceptive and Vestibular Sensory stimulation for kids who need it. It will hopefully help you start to look at every day activities in a new way, from a sensory processing perspective.

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Research Article:
Gavin, William J., et al. “Electroencephalography in Children With and Without Sensory Processing Disorders During Auditory Perception.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy, American Occupational Therapy Association, 1 July 2011, Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.

Special Needs
Sensory Processing
Child Development
Occupational Therapy

Classroom Considerations for Teachers and Kids with Special Needs Episode 15

In this episode I discuss possible considerations for teachers to use with children in their classrooms. These ideas could benefit both kids with and without special needs. Strategies are given for ways to potentially increase their attention to tasks as well as help them be calm when being over active or “wound up”.

Research Article:
Fedewa, Alicia L., and Heather E. Erwin. “Stability Balls and Students With Attention and Hyperactivity Concerns: Implications for On-Task and In-Seat Behavior.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy, American Occupational Therapy Association, 1 July 2011, Accessed 6 Sept. 2017

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Child Development
Sensory Processing
Occupational Therapy
Special Needs

Gymnic Disc-O-Sit Inflatable Seat Cushion

This inflatable disc seat cushion can be used with kids who have that need to keep moving while they are sitting in one place! The disc can be used at home or in school for kids to sit longer while eating meals or doing school work at their desk. Also, great for circle time with the younger kids who need their own space to sit during this group activity.
The discs are lightweight, durable, and very easy to use!

Vestibular Sensory Processing Episode 7 Special Needs Topics

On this episode I discuss Vestibular Sensory Processing with kids. I talk about 2 different aspects of this area where one is the kids who are overly sensitive to movements, and the kids who need more stimulation to this area before they feel the movements. Both types are described and some possible suggestions are given as well.

Special Needs
Sensory Processing
Child Development

Mini Trampoline with Handle

A mini-trampoline can be a great activity for kids who love to jump or kids who are learning to jump! The handle is great because they can hold on to it to help with balance, but they can still get the up and down movement they love!

Fat Brain Toys Teeter Popper for Vestibular Sensory Processing

This toy is great for balance and movement. It has suction cups on the bottom of it that make a popping sound when they rock it back and forth. Kids can sit on it or stand with supervision or appropriate assistance for their developmental level. Great for side to side and back and forth movements!