Lead Exposure in Infants and Toddlers Episode 24 Child Development

On this episode I discuss issues with lead exposure to infants and toddlers. Lead poisoning even at low levels of lead exposure can cause a lower IQ and behavioral problems as well as other health concerns.
How you can reduce the amount of lead exposure in your home and family environment as well.

Research Article: Lead in food

“Lead in food: A hidden health threat.” Environmental Defense Fund, www.edf.org/health/lead-food-hidden-health-threat. Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.

FDA Sites:
US lead contamination:

Brita Filter Information:

Berkey Filter Information:

Organic standards for land:

website: https://mymidwesttherapy.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mymidwesttherapy/
email: [email protected]

Child Development
Special Needs
Occupational Therapy

Big Berkey Water Filter and Purification System

INCLUDES: Big Berkey stainless steel housing (Upper, Lower & Lid), 2 Black Berkey Filters, 2 Fluoride Elements, 2 Hole Plugs, 1 knob, 1 easy flow spigot, and 1 set of easy to follow assembly instructions. When drinking water that’s been filtered using a Berkey purifier, you can rest assured that your water is clean and safe for consumption. In fact, Black Berkey purifier elements are far more powerful compared to competitors’ water filters. When tested Berkey water filter elements removed 100% of pathogens, allowing them to be classified as purifiers rather than simply filters. The included two (white) Berkey fluoride filters attach to the bottom of the Berkey Purifiers and hang in the lower chamber. Berkey fluoride filters reduce the amount of fluoride in your water UP TO 95%. Each Fluoride filter has a lifespan of 1,000 gallons and each purifier can filter up to 3,000 gallons. The Big Berkey is constructed from High Grade 304 Stainless Steel, and can accommodate up to four Berkey Purification elements and four Fluoride filters, however only two of each are included with this package.

Parents of Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders Episode 23

On this episode, I discuss possible issues parents of kids with sensory processing disorders face in finding a diagnosis and getting their pediatrician and others on board.

If you are in the Phoenix, AZ area a listener gave me the contact information for a place that can evaluate your child for sensory processing disorder. Here is the link for their website: https://www.kidzspottherapy.com

Website: https://mymidwesttherapy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mymidwesttherapy/
email: [email protected]

Research Study:
Hall, Leah, and Jane Case-Smith. “The Effect of Sound-Based Intervention on Children With Sensory Processing Disorders and Visual–Motor Delays.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy, American Occupational Therapy Association, 1 Mar. 2007, ajot.aota.org/article.aspx?articleid=1866939. Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.

SPD Debate:
SPD Star Institute:
AAP Pediatrician Guidelines:

Child Development
Sensory Processing Disorder
Occupational Therapy
Therapeutic Listening Program

Cerebral Palsy in Premature Infants Episode 22 Child Development

On this episode I discuss the risk of developing Cerebral Palsy in infants that are born prematurely or preterm. How cerebral palsy occurs is explained, as well as, what to look for in infants who are at risk for developing cerebral palsy.

Research Article:
Thygesen SK, Olsen M, Østergaard JR, etal. Respiratory distress syndrome in moderately late and late preterm infants and risk of cerebral palsy: a population-based cohort study. BMJOpen 2016; 6 : e011643. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011643.

Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the Newborn

Early Signs of Cerebral Palsy:

Website: https://mymidwesttherapy.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mymidwesttherapy/
email: [email protected]

Cerebral Palsy
Child Development
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Premature Infants

Table Top Scissors for One Handed Use

These table top scissors are great for kids who want to use scissors but have a difficult time holding both the paper and the scissors at the same time, and in a coordinated manner. The kids can hold the paper up in place at the scissors, and just push down on the lever to make them cut. A great tool which can help them be independent with a difficult fine motor task.

One handed button hook

These are handy little devices for those people who have trouble managing buttons on your clothing using two hands! It will help pull the buttons through each button hole in your shirt using only one hand to get it done.

Brachial Plexus Injuries at Birth Episode 21 Child Development

On this show I discuss the different types of brachial plexus injuries, what the brachial plexus is, and how the injuries can affect babies and toddlers.

email: [email protected]
website: https://mymidwesttherapy.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mymidwesttherapy/

Research Article: Kinesio Arm Taping as Prophylaxis Against the development of Erb’s Engram.

“Kinesio arm taping as prophylaxis against the development of Erb’s Engram.” Kinesio arm taping as prophylaxis against the development of Erb’s Engram – ScienceDirect, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090123212000641. Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.

Radwa S. ElKhatib. Emam H. ElNegmy. Amina H. Salem. AbdelAziz A. Sherief

Plexus Definition: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com
Brachial Plexus injury information:
Brachial Plexus Info

Special Needs
Occupational Therapy
Child Development

Occupational Therapy in Early Intervention Episode 20 Child Development

On this episode I discuss what Occupational Therapy means and how we work with infants and toddlers. Differences between OT and OTA are explained. The hopeful future of this podcast is laid out for you!

email: [email protected]
website: https://mymidwesttherapy.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mymidwesttherapy/

KU Occupational Therapy: http://www.kumc.edu

OT Practice Act – AOTA: https://www.aota.org/-/media/Corporate/Files/Advocacy/State/Resources/PracticeAct/Model Definition of OT Practice Adopted 41411.pdf

OT Statistics in Europe: http://www.coteceurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/2016-COTEC-Summary-of-the-OT-profession-in-Europe.pdf
OT in Germany: https://www.dve.info/
OT in Norway: http://www.ergoterapeutene.org/
OT in Ireland: https://www.aoti.ie/Default.aspx
European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education: http://enothe.eu/
OT in Singapore: https://www.saot.org.sg/
OT in Japan: http://www.jaot.or.jp/
United Arab Emirates OT Statistics: http://www.payscale.com
OT Salaries: https://www.bls.gov/
OT Careers: http://money.usnews.com

Special Needs
Early Intervention
Child Development
Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Down Syndrome and Early Intervention Episode 19 Child Development

On this episode I discuss early intervention strategies and considerations for babies children with Down Syndrome. Information is presented about what low tone and laxity of joints are. Issues surrounding feeding, fine motor, gross motor, and cognitive skills are discussed.

website: https://mymidwesttherapy.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mymidwesttherapy/
email: [email protected]

Research Article:
International Journal of Science Culture and SportJune2016: 4(2)ISSN : 2148-1148Doi :10.14486/IntJSCS509
Sehmus ASLAN1, Ummuhan BAS ASLAN

Down Syndrome
Occupational Therapy
Early Intervention
Child Development
Special Needs