Primitive Reflexes and Special Needs Episode 12

On this show, I discuss some of the primitive reflexes we are born with or are present early in life. Specifically I talk about the following reflexes: Moro, Rooting, Palmer, ATNR (Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex), Spinal Galant, and STNR (Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex).
Information on what happens when these reflexes do not become integrated at the correct age, and how this can affect kids when they get to a school age.
I share a research study on Reflexes in Kids with ADHD versus kids without ADHD. That study can be found at:

Konicarova, Jana, and Petr Bob. “Retained Primitive Reflexes and ADHD in Children.” SpringerLink, Springer International Publishing, 23 Feb. 2017, Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.

STNR for Teachers of School Aged Kids:
Additional information on primitive reflexes:
ATNR Information:

Email: [email protected]

Child Development
Special Needs
Developmental Milestones
Sensory Processing

Theraband Non-Latex Resistive Bands

As discussed in today’s show, these bands can be helpful for kids who have a difficult time sitting still in their chairs either at home or school. You can use these bands around the legs of their chair so they can hook their feet around it for extra support, or just for additional sensory input.

Tummy Time for Child Development Episode 11 Special Needs Topics

This is Episode 11 of my podcast, but the first Episode under the new name Milestones. The previous name of this podcast was The Special Needs Podcast. The same type of material will be presented here for people interested in Child Development, topics surrounding Children with Special Needs, Sensory Processing Issues, Feeding Skills, and any other range of topics related to Child Development and Developmental Milestones.

In this Episode I discuss “tummy time” and why it is important for all babies to have tummy time regularly!

Find me on Facebook at:
Safe to Sleep Website:
Positional Plagiocephaly (Flattened Head):

Special Needs
Sensory Processing
Child Development

Sassy Tummy Time Mat

This may can be helpful in getting your baby more interested in tummy time! It has bold colors with black and white pattern and high contrast that babies can see well. The mat also comes with a pillow that can be placed under the baby’s chest to help make tummy time a little easier. It comes with a mirror and 2 toys to help keep their interest longer and make it fun for them!

Sensory Processing for Everyone Episode 10 Special Needs Topics

On this episode I discuss how Sensory Processing is part of every person’s daily life, but some people have more difficulty with processing sensory information than others.

Some children with special needs have difficulties with Sensory Processing and other Child Development issues.

Think about your own life, and how you handle sensory information throughout your day. What about your kids? If you see any signs that are affecting their ability to play, learn, eat, grow, or develop in some way, bring it up to your pediatrician or seek an evaluation from an early intervention program in your area.

Eye exams are important for people of all ages! Get eye exams for your kids even if there are no concerns just to make sure nothing gets missed.

Next episode #11 will have a new name: “Milestones”
The content will continue on course with what I’ve been discussing, but hopefully the broader name will catch the attention of all parents, not just those looking for information on kids with special needs.

Eye Exams for Kids:
Over the Ear Headphones for Kids: Headphones

Special Needs
Sensory Processing
Child Development

SmartKnit Kids Seamless Socks

I didn’t specifically mention these in today’s show, but I thought of them when I was talking about people having a preference of clothing material. Some people/kids can’t stand the seams in their clothing and especially in their socks. These socks are great for those kids because they are seamless!!

Visual Sensory Processing Episode 9 Special Needs Topics

On this show I discuss Visual Sensory Processing as it relates to kids. Visual Sensory Processing is explained in detail, plus suggestions are given for things to look for with these kids and how to possibly help them when appropriate.

Sun Shade for Strollers: Sun Shade for Strollers

Sensory Processing
Child Development
Special Needs

Kids Indoor Play Tent for Sensory Breaks

This is just one example of so many types of indoor kids play tents that you can use for kids who just need a quiet place to get away and take a break when they are feeling overstimulated. It can be calming for kids who have issues with Auditory Processing, Visual Sensory Processing, and Tactile Sensory Processing, or it can just be a fun place to play!

Abilitations Cozy Shades Softening Light Filters

I have not personally installed these before, but I know of people that have used them both in schools and in their own homes to dampen the lights for kids who are sensitive to bright lights.

Proprioceptive Sensory Processing Episode 8 Special Needs Topics

In this episode I discuss what Proprioceptive Sensory Processing or Proprioception is in detail. I give examples of what this might look like with kids who are having issues in this area of sensory processing. Examples of activities to do with them are also given.

Here are some useful links from today’s show:
Sensory Stretchy Bed Sheets for Deep Pressure:
Squeeze Machine: Squeeze Machine
Pressure Vest: Pressure Mesh Vest
Sensory Swing: THERAPY SWING